Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Modern Family Character Analysis: Cameron Tucker

Eric Stonestreet portrays a flamboyant character named Cameron Tucker in the television show, Modern Family. Eric uses his bubbly personality, witty humor, and dramatic emotions to create a comedic effect in his character.
            Cameron’s bubbly personality plays a large role in the humor of the show. He has a partner of five years named Mitchell. Cameron’s personality contrasts Mitchell’s uptight manner which causes them to have opposing character traits. Cameron says things like”I can't help it! You know I have two weaknesses, children swearing and old people rapping.” This shows that he enjoys small things in life and embraces the little things he enjoys.
            Cameron’s witty humor adds humorous jokes to the show that seem to be thought of right on the spot. Cameron’s witty jokes add in the moment humor that plays a huge role in the show itself. Cameron once said, “When you come back, this kitchen will be scrubbed like a crime scene, which it is, because you murdered joy.” Witty comments like that add a very important humorous effect to the show. 
            Cameron’s dramatic emotions add an off form of humor to the show. Because he is so dramatic about everything that happens to him or is said to him, it creates funny situations out of his hilarious outbursts. Cameron was upset on Mother’s Day and stated, “There's nothing gays hate more that being treated like women. Okay? We don't want to go to your baby shower, we don't have a time of the month, and we don't love pink.” This quote shows how dramatic he can get about small insignificant issues.
            Eric Stonestreet’s character, Cameron, plays a huge comedic role in the popular TV show, Modern Family. Cameron’s character is extremely eccentric and adds a lot of unique comedic aspects to the show. Also, when Cameron works off of his life partner, Mitchell, the humor is even more rich and enjoyable. Mitchell and Cameron are a great pair and their different personalities contrast each other in a great way. Cameron is a great character in the show because with whichever costar he works off of, you know you are about to see something funny. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Journal entry

Everyday I get to school just in time and make it through the doors right before the bell. Even with small obstacles that me get in my way, i still seem to make it on time. Today, I was late for the first time since December. Why? Because of Amanda Murphy. She is absolutely terrible at parking and usually it doesn't effect me that much but today was apparently different. She parked horribly as usual so close to my car that I almost could not get out. She then thought it was a good idea to get out of the car at the same time as me even though there was clearly no room for both of us to fit. After i got out of my car I then had to wait for her to leave the small space in between our two cars so that i could open the door to my back seat to get my backpack. I finally was on my way into the school when i heard the bell rang. So just in case anyone was wondering that is why I was late this morning. In conclusion, THANKS MANDY MURPH LEARN TO PARK.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Modest Proposal

The United States is seen as the most powerful country in the world, yet we spend millions of American tax dollars on petty crimes such as prostitution. Our economy is somewhat in danger right now, so why do we continue to spend absurd amounts of money on arresting people for consenting to sex in exchange for money. Don’t we have real rapists, child molesters, burglars, and murderers to arrest? Why do we still insist on acting as if prostitution is such a burden on our society?
A clear solution to our poor economy would be prostitution. The actual act of a prostitute and her customer agreeing on an exchange of money for sex violates no one’s rights. It costs $2,000/case to arrest, court, and incarcerate a prostitute. Cities spend from $1 million to $23 million dollars, for an average of $7.5 million dollars, on prostitution-control. Even though so much money has been spent on trying to prevent prostitution, it still has not been stopped. It only continues through underground places where prostitutes are in greater danger. If we were to legalize prostitution, it would create a plethora of job opportunities for young men and women who cannot find a place for themselves in any other career.
I propose that we legalize prostitution, and make it a noble career that people may perform if they choose to do so. A school would be made that specifically catered to the practice of prostitution called The Institute of Advanced Prostitution. Our students would start off their freshman year with core classes such as business management, self defense, and advertising. Once they have learned the business skills to be successful, they will move on to more in depth classes that teach them how to choose a pimp that fits them, how to estimate costs, and how to present themselves to prospective customers. IAP will be devoted to make the most skilled and well educated prostitutes the world has ever seen. Their final project will consist of following through with an appointment run by the school, and if their methods and services are satisfactory, they will be permitted to graduate. After graduation prostitutes may either choose to live in a brothel with their fellow graduates or run an independent business with a pimp.
Creating certified prostitutes will help the economy with created more credible jobs for the people of the United States. These prostitutes will also be checked regularly for STD’s so that none of their clients will ever be in danger. Prostitution will soon become a thriving business in America that anyone can be a part of. One day this practice will be accepted among our society and the economy will thrive greatly from legalizing this harmless practice.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Naked Lunch

While telling the story of a rekindling couple in "Naked Lunch", Michael Hollinger uses unequivocal irony, descriptive imagery, and excessive characterization in order to display the inequality of men and women in abusive relationships.


Shifting from seriousness to sarcasm in "Suburban", John Ciardi uses nonchalant tone in order to display a sense of fake friendliness within neighbors of the suburbs.

Monday, February 13, 2012

That Awkward Moment When.....

You think that you are somewhat of a decent driver, until an evil man named Trooper McCarthy tells you differently. It was our last beach trip of the summer. I was driving me and my friends to Old Silver even though i was not quite legal to drive anyone yet for another three weeks. I decided it would be a good idea to go in the left lane of the highway, since it was moving faster than all of the others. I began going about 75 miles per hour in that lane just like the rest of traffic, when i noticed a state trooper car on the side of the highway. I immediately panicked (as i usually do whenever i see a cop on the side of the road, even if i am doing nothing wrong) and began to look in my rear view mirror frequently to see if he was following me. I saw that he actually did pull out of his hiding spot and began to panic even more. After about five minutes went by he still hadn't pulled me over and my friends calmed me down so i continued to drive normally. I decided to look in my rear view mirror again and noticed the state trooper was driving very close right behind me. He then turned on his lights signaling me to pull over. I was so flustered and scared that I actually ended up pulling over to the LEFT side of the road. I had never been pulled over before and was oblivious to the fact that i should have pulled to the right. The state trooper then proceeded to stop all traffic, get out of his car, and screamed at me over the intercom in his car. I then pulled over to the right side of the road and was screamed at him for a very long time as he angrily explained to me every idiotic thing i did wrong. I felt so stupid and was so embarrassed that i made such a ridiculous mistake. If I get pulled over again, at least I'll have Trooper McCarthy's evil presence in mind as i pull over to the right side of the road.